Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Did He Really???

So as most of you know we have been having a LOT of trouble getting Caden to go to bed and stay in bed.  Last night we tried a new tactic of putting him in bed then each time he got up we took turns of picking him up and putting him back to bed without saying anything to him.  Needless to say this really, really made him mad.  Several times I had to ask myself..."Did he really just say that?  I think he's trying to be insulting but I had to leave the room in a hurry several times! 

Here are some of my favorites keeping in mind they were being sreamed at us in a wailing 5 year old voice.

"You're a stinkyhead."
"You stinky ol lady head."
"You keeping breaking my heart now I gotta fro up."
"Talk to me stinkyhead."
"I'm not loving you no more."

But what I love is that he was madder than a hornet's nest last night and got up all lovie dovie this morning like nothing had ever happened.  Round 2 tonight I am sure!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

bedtime bedlam

Actual comments from Caden tonight as I struggled with bedtime for the 736th night in a row: At my billionth request to get back in bed . . ."You broke my heart!" at full voume AND "You're breaking my heart and my feelings!!" also at top volume AND "I feel like I'm going to throw up because you broke my heart!" AND "I don't feel good because you're yelling at me so much!" a good 5 minutes after I was done yelling at him.

I used to enjoy bedtime, but now I'd rather skip it most nights, except that leads to other undesirable problems. On the upside, we've now had 3 nights of Caden sleeping in his bed all night as opposed to our bedroom floor. One step forward, two steps back. Parenting is NOT for the faint of heart for sure!

a visit from the tooth fairy

I think this visit from the tooth fairy has been on the books since way back in November when Caden had an unfortuante collision with the side of the bath tub. His tooth wasn't loose then, but it has been wiggly for the last few days. Yesterday morning as we were driving, Caden began fussing, "It's weally wiggwly. It's weally wiggwly." Then all of a sudden he cried out, "My tooth is in my hand! Take it mom!! Am I blooding? Will the tooth fairy come now?" Though he was full of anxiety and woe all week about having a wiggwly tooth, he was eagerly anticiapting a visit from the famed tooth fairy. We've never discussed the tooth fairy with Caden, but I think it's been a hot topic of discussion at preschool for the last few months. So he was looking to cash in.

After much discussion (read: disagreement) among the gap-tooth wonder's parental units about the price to be paid out by this tooth fairy, it was decided he should receive exactly $1.41. I realize this seems like an odd price to pay for a tiny little baby tooth, but perhaps if I point out that $1.41 equals 1 dollar bill, 1 quarter, 1 dime, I nickel, and 1 penny it will make it clearer. This seemed a unique amount and a good compromise of what the tooth fairy heaped upon Doug at $5.00 a tooth (pre-recession, I might add) and the quarter she shelled out for my teeth (I clearly was robbed, though I do rememebr receiving slightly more for the one tooth I swallowed!!)

Needless to say, this morning Caden was quite thrilled to find his tooth vanished and cash in its place. He's proudly shown and/or told everyone about it today. And thus, it's another milestone reached in Caden's life. I msut admit, I don't usually cry at milestones, but I welled up big time yesterday and boohooed about my baby growing up to which Caden impatiently replied, "Mom! It's just a tooth! You don't have to cry about it!"

gappy smile
Can you see the tiny hole on the bottom row of teeth?

the *tiny* hole in his mouth