Friday, August 8, 2008

Lilttle Man's thoughts

As we're driving home tonight (much too late for a 3 year old), Caden says in the sweetest voice, "Mommy, do you see the moon?" I said that I did see the moon, which was partially covered by some clouds. Caden then says sleepily, "It's a little bit dirty. It should take a bath." I guess he thought that becuase the moon was not not shining as brightly due to the cloud cover that is was "dirty". I just love the things he thinks and talks about.

It was exactly what I needed to hear at the end of the very long, emotionally and physically draining week at home and school.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


With great difficulty and much thought , discussion, tears, and prayer Doug and I have decided to enroll Caden at Newton Medical Center Child Care starting next Monday. Unfortunately, it was not a good fit for Caden at Jessi's. We are hopeful that the new child care setting will be good for him. Caden will be in a class of 10 and will be getting preschool curriculum.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

rough day

Caden had a rough start this morning at Jessi's house. He was EXTREMELY upset about me leaving him and through a major temper tantrum which inlcuded hitting and kicking Jessi. Not good. Very depressing and upsetting for mom and dad! Very worried about what Jessi thinks of us as parents and hoping Caden adjusts well and quickly!!

On a positive note, Jessi did tell me that once Caden calmed down, he was fine the rest of the day and ate lunch and napped well. Hopefully, this morning's incident was a one time deal. Please pray for us. We have to get through this. I really like Jessi and the way she operates the daycare!

Monday, August 4, 2008

healthy and ready to go

I took Caden to his new pediatrician, Dr. Roberts today for quick check-up before his new daycare begins on Wednesday. She was very nice and reports that Caden is healthy and tall. He was 41.5 inches and 41 pounds. Caden did have to get a Hepatitis A booster shot, but he laid right down for the nurse and didn't move or cry at all when she jabbed the needle in his thigh. The nurse and I were both surprised and impressed! (I was also a wee bit proud of my big boy!) So with the healthy check-up and clean teeth from last week, Caden is ready to begin daycare with Jessi.