After much discussion (read: disagreement) among the gap-tooth wonder's parental units about the price to be paid out by this tooth fairy, it was decided he should receive exactly $1.41. I realize this seems like an odd price to pay for a tiny little baby tooth, but perhaps if I point out that $1.41 equals 1 dollar bill, 1 quarter, 1 dime, I nickel, and 1 penny it will make it clearer. This seemed a unique amount and a good compromise of what the tooth fairy heaped upon Doug at $5.00 a tooth (pre-recession, I might add) and the quarter she shelled out for my teeth (I clearly was robbed, though I do rememebr receiving slightly more for the one tooth I swallowed!!)
Needless to say, this morning Caden was quite thrilled to find his tooth vanished and cash in its place. He's proudly shown and/or told everyone about it today. And thus, it's another milestone reached in Caden's life. I msut admit, I don't usually cry at milestones, but I welled up big time yesterday and boohooed about my baby growing up to which Caden impatiently replied, "Mom! It's just a tooth! You don't have to cry about it!"
gappy smile
Can you see the tiny hole on the bottom row of teeth?
the *tiny* hole in his mouth
I think I will cry too when Luke loses a tooth, and so, I understand in advance :) Also, I really like, "Am I blooding?" That's a fun one to write down.
I am always amazed when kids tell me the tooth fairy brings them $10. I think, "Do your parents realize you have 20 baby teeth you're going to lose?" The tooth fairy brings $1 to our house. (When she remembers) $1.41 sounds like a great amount!
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