Tuesday, July 8, 2008

back in business

It's been a little while since we last posted. Life has just been busy. I thought that since my official ESU classes are over and done with our lives would seem less busy, but you all know what happens when you inform God of your plans . . . he just laughs. We've been busier than usual lately (as our home and yard could attest to if they could speak since they've been sorely neglected lately!). But we're back on track and hope to keep up with blogging better.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I have some VBS info for you sometime. Laura is setting up/decorating our room at 1:00 on Sunday. I'm going to help, if you're free... Also, since she lives out of town, she wondered if we could be there early (8:30) and then she will stay late until all kids are gone and do clean up.