Friday, June 13, 2008


Here are some pictures of the flooding around Cedar Rapids and Iowa City, Iowa. My parents lived in Iowa city right after they were married (before I came along) and just moved to back to Kansas from Cedar Rapids a little over a year ago. I went to college at Cornell in Mt. Vernon which is between Cedar Rapids and Iowa City and Doug spent a semester at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. It's unbelievable to see these photos of places we've been under so much water!! Our thoughts and prayers go to all those who've lost their homes and businesses in this devastating flood, as well as those who are suffering from the tornadoes that hit in Chapman and Manhattan, KS and at the Boy Scout camp in Iowa. So much devastation in such a short amount of time. It makes us extra grateful were going to bed tonight dry and comfortable in our own bed with our child close to us and alive and well!

Cedar Rapids city hall on Mays Island

vehicles parked at the Quaker Oats plant in Cedar Rapids

street sign in Cedar Rapids

Mercy Hospital in CR which had to be evacuated. So weird!
I have been in this hospital several times.

aerial view of downtown CR

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