1. I'm still working on catching up. I was further behind that I thought, but I should get caught up this week. I've learned that if I want to reach this goal in 2011, it will be far easier to stay caught up. I've also learned that I really like having a guide to read through the Bible and really want to accomplish this goal. Also, there is lots of murder, deceit, and debauchery in the book of Genesis. It's WAY more than just the simple 7 day story of creation that admittedly was the only thing I knew about Genesis until now.
2. This will get done this week, I hope.
3. I did blog 3 times last week. All with pictures, but not all about Caden, so I think that's success.
4. I did exercise last week, but only3 times and couldn't go to Zumba sine it was canceled due to bad weather. Really missed Zumba class and really wished I had Zumba DVDs at home to use.
5. I also didn't read for pleasure this week. Sadly, I'm afraid I won't get my 2 books read in January.
6. Again, Doug tried a new recipe. He created a new version of his Chicken and Noodles. Seriously yummy, but since he's a pro in the kitchen and I'm tired when I get home from work and craving some alone time, I'm going to have to work hard this week to squueze in a new recipe that I actually make.
7. While our house certainly did not see its worst this week, it also did not see its best in terms of cleanliness. It wasn't horrible, but we were lazy with chores and had to spend a couple of hours on Saturday getting caught up again. We both vowed to do better this week.
8. no movement on this front
9. took pictures of Doug on his birthday, our niece on her birthday, and of my first craft project
10. SUCCESS. See previous post. I know it was simple and I feel silly for admitting it, but this project made me feel like a crafter (I'm NOT by the way) and I felt very accomplished once it was hung on the wall
11. Not necessarily random, but I took a meal to friend who is going through some challenging health issues with her family and also surprised 3 women at work with pieces of cake this week. Kind = yes; Random = no
12. no movement here either
Well it seems I don't accomplish much on this list each week, but I'm pleased how much I think about it during the week and how I've posted updates (even though they make me sound lazy!) on my progress.
2 weeks ago