Caden says some of the funniest things. Here are a few . . .
"Mommy, I'm hiding from you under the kitchen table." He's very into playing "hiding". He thinks he's hidden if his eyes are closed or he's under a blanket or the kitchen table.
"My belly hurts. It needs a drink of water so it can go to sleep." I don't get this one, but as soon as we get him a drink of water he calms right down and goes to sleep.
"I tired. I need clean pajamas so I can go to sleep." Like his mommy, this boy likes to be clean, though most days he's filthier than I could have ever thought possible before having him, but he REALLY loves to wash his hands and brush his teeth.
"I gotta check my cherries; see if they're good." Referring to the now empty cherry tree in our front yard.
"You stank!" Not very nice, but something about the way he says it makes us laugh.
" I want the door just a little bit." For you non-native Cadenese speakers, this means that he wants his bedroom door open just a crack at night.
2 weeks ago