Amy tagged me last week and I‘m just getting around to answering the questions about Doug. Life has been full and very busy lately. So here goes . . .
His full name? Douglas Charles Livesay (or when was little Doogie Poogie or Dougy Chucky when I want to bug him)
How long married? 8 years as of July 8, 2008
How long dated? We had our first date (a blind date) on May 8, 1998 and we got engaged on July 18, 1998. So about 2 ½ months, but we were engaged for 2 years then until we got married in 2000.
How old is he? 30, but quickly approaching 31 on January 15. He’s about 10 weeks younger than I am and he likes to rub that in from my birthday in late October until his birthday.
Taller? He is by a long shot, maybe 6 or 7 inches.
Who can sing the best? I would say that I enjoy singing a LOT more than he does, but he probably sounds a LOT better than I do.
Smart? I would say equal, but about different things.
Laundry? 60/40 me. He helps me quite a bit and I’m teaching him to fold. This is has been good because his help (we usually fold together) has really cut down on the time it takes, plus we have the added bonus that since Doug has been helping me, Caden has been VERY interested in helping fold laundry too. I’m hoping this will make some sweet girl a very HAPPY wife some day, but not for at least 20 years or so.
Paying bills? ALL Doug. Money, paying bills, writing checks TOTALLY freaks me out. I do constantly pester him about if he’s SURE we have enough in the bank.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Facing the bed, he does because if the bad guys come in the middle of the night I think Doug will scare them away faster than I will.
Mows lawn? He does most of the mowing, but I help some. We also mow my parents’ yard and I do their yard quite a bit. So I’d say probably 65/35 Doug.
Cooks dinner? 80/20 me now. Doug used to do most of our dinner preparations, but now I’m usually home awhile before he is. Doug is a fantastic cook and we both enjoy cooking and love to try new recipes. I will say that Doug does 97% of all the grilling we do, but that’s mostly because I’m absolutely TERRIFIED of fire and can not light matches or start the grill without having a mini panic attack.
First to admit they are wrong? Without doubt, Doug. I’m very stubborn, strong-willed, and bull-headed when I think I’m right. Perhaps that comes from being an only child. Plus I’m a lot more intense than Doug is. He’s very laid back.
Who kissed first? Doug.
Who wears the pants? My in-laws would say Doug does, but that I tell him which pair to put on. But seriously, we both make decisions for our family and we try to work major things out together.
And here he is...
3 days ago
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