2 weeks ago
Thursday, December 31, 2009
blog makeover
I had these grand ideas to give the blog a wonderful facelift and makeover during Christmas Break. I had an idea of how I wanted it to look. I love reading other people's blogs and seeing how their blog reflects their personality. I wanted that! I searched for blog backgrounds, but didn't find one that captured exactly what I wanted. I found a program called Artisteer that lets you design your own blog backgrounds and banners without having to know HTML code. I created a design I really liked and it worked wonderfully, until I went to export it to blogspot, then it displayed with the word "TRIAL" all over it because I had used the trial version. I even considered switching blogging sites to see if that gave me more options. In the end, I've only ended up really frustrated and with a blog that works, but is so far from what I want it to be. If anyone has ideas, suggestions, comments, I'd really appreciate it.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
holiday goodies
This week I've been making lots of holiday treats . . .3 batches of Oreo truffles, 2 batches of sugar cookies, and candy cane pie this week. Lots more to come the next week and the week after that too, including a cake for a wedding rehearsal dinner shaped like a Jayhawk head (I'm a bridesmaid in the wedding, so it's part of my gift).
Someone asked me for the candy cane pie recipe, so Sarah F. here it is. It's SUPER easy, only 4 ingredients!
1 graham cracker crust (store bought or make your own; this time I bought to save time)
8 oz. carton of whipped topping (Cool-Whip) thawed
1/2 of small bag of miniature marshmallows
6 regular caned canes crushed (4 for the pie; 2 for garnish)
Mix whipped topping, marshmallows, and 4crushed candy canes (I used my food chopper to get them pretty small) and then spread in the graham cracker crust. Sprinkle remaining 2 crushed candy canes on top for garnish. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours before serving.
*NOTE: I added a few drops of peppermint extract to mine tonight to give the peppermint flavor a boost, but you wouldn't have to, especially if you prefer a milder mint taste.
Someone asked me for the candy cane pie recipe, so Sarah F. here it is. It's SUPER easy, only 4 ingredients!
1 graham cracker crust (store bought or make your own; this time I bought to save time)
8 oz. carton of whipped topping (Cool-Whip) thawed
1/2 of small bag of miniature marshmallows
6 regular caned canes crushed (4 for the pie; 2 for garnish)
Mix whipped topping, marshmallows, and 4crushed candy canes (I used my food chopper to get them pretty small) and then spread in the graham cracker crust. Sprinkle remaining 2 crushed candy canes on top for garnish. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours before serving.
*NOTE: I added a few drops of peppermint extract to mine tonight to give the peppermint flavor a boost, but you wouldn't have to, especially if you prefer a milder mint taste.
candy cane pie
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
sweet gobble gobble
Here are the turkey cookies Doug and I made for a co-worker. Aren't they cute? We're giving some serious thought to hiring out for custom pastry orders. I think it would be so much fun. We really enjoyed making (and tasting) the cookies with homemade butter cream frosting and fruit slices for feathers. Probably the sweetest turkeys around this Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The things we do.....
It's late......1:30 am to be exact. Caden is asleep in his bed, all bundled up tight. Sarah is asleep downstairs in the recliner. I'm not exactly sure why I am still awake except I had to make Caden's birthday cake for his party tomorrow. It probably could have been done tomorrow but as far as he knows he's getting a plain chocolate cake. I've never tried my hand at piping the icing on a cake so I borrowed a race car cake pan from a friend and I am surprising Caden (and myself) with this cake. It's not perfect but in my eyes it's not too bad first a first try.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
ouch! updated
UPDATE: We saw the dentist this afternoon to make sure Caden's little mishap last night didn't cause any permanent damage. Thankfully, his teeth are all fine. One of the top front ones is pushed back a tiny bit, but not enough to worry about. Caden's gums look fine and Dr. Davidson told us this should have no effect on Caden's permanent teeth. We do have to check his gums every few days for the next few weeks to make sure he doesn't develop an abscess which could cause the tooth to die. This is very unlikely, but we don't want to take any chances with his teeth, so we'll be checking diligently. I had a similar accident when I was about Caden's age. I bit through my lip, lost a tooth, and had stitches put in my lower lip from a swing set incident with a cranky neighbor girl. On a related note, Caden got brave and took a shower tonight. Doug and I fully expected him to be too traumatized to try a shower again for awhile.
Caden survived his first big accident. He was taking a shower tonight when he slipped, fell, did the splits, and knocked his face against the side of the bathtub. Blood everywhere!! He bit through his bottom lip, but the hole on the outside is very small. We avoided the ER tonight, but we'll be making an unscheduled trip to the dentist tomorrow! We were just there last week for his regular check-up. Hopefully, his fat lip will go down before his birthday on Wednesday or at least in time for his party on Saturday! Needless to say, once we got him cleaned up and calmed down, he wanted nothing do to with finishing his shower. He did let us give him a sit down bath, though.
Caden survived his first big accident. He was taking a shower tonight when he slipped, fell, did the splits, and knocked his face against the side of the bathtub. Blood everywhere!! He bit through his bottom lip, but the hole on the outside is very small. We avoided the ER tonight, but we'll be making an unscheduled trip to the dentist tomorrow! We were just there last week for his regular check-up. Hopefully, his fat lip will go down before his birthday on Wednesday or at least in time for his party on Saturday! Needless to say, once we got him cleaned up and calmed down, he wanted nothing do to with finishing his shower. He did let us give him a sit down bath, though.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Birthday Wishes !!!!!!
It is Sarah's birthday today so if you see her tell her Happy Birthday. She turned 3@ today!
My main squeeze is finally older than me again.....WOHOOOOOO!!!!
My main squeeze is finally older than me again.....WOHOOOOOO!!!!
Sarah doesn't know it but I am about to take over her blog. I try and read it so I can try and find out what is going on in our life but she doesn't update very often. This often times leaves me a little confused.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Pumpkin Decorating........Sooner Style!!
Even though Sooner Nation is down, one thing remains constant. Caden absolutely loves the Sooners. In particular Sam Bradford. Sam is leaving school and will not play for the Sooners again. Caden doesn't care, Sam is "his guy"! So when it came time to decorate a pumpkin for Pre-K this week Caden wanted Sam!
SIDELINE SOONER SAM has arrived!!!!
Complete with the cool OU shades.....
SIDELINE SOONER SAM has arrived!!!!
Complete with the cool OU shades.....
wild hair and OU football.....
coaching headset.....
Bob Stoops wanna be visor.....
and finally a Halloween twist...... vampire teeth!
Monday, October 19, 2009
mixed up words
Don't you love the funny things kids say?!?! Caden has some things he simply can't make his mouth say and a few things he still calls the wrong name. It makes me smile every time he says them.
I bet you have no idea what a "trote camole" is, do you?? No guesses?? It's the shiny little machine that changes the volume and channel on your TV. That's right, Caden can not get his mouth to say remote control. It comes out "trote camole" every time. Cute for the moment, but I'm guessing not so much for the long term! :)
I bet you have no idea what a "trote camole" is, do you?? No guesses?? It's the shiny little machine that changes the volume and channel on your TV. That's right, Caden can not get his mouth to say remote control. It comes out "trote camole" every time. Cute for the moment, but I'm guessing not so much for the long term! :)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Okay, so no one really likes to do chores, right?!?!? WRONG! We've found a certain little guy who really likes doing chores, well certain ones at least. Today he wanted to vacuum his bedroom, so we let him have at it. Don't mind the surfboard print shirt with camouflage slippers in the midst of fall! It's all about your state of mind! Also, ignore the naked bed. We were washing sheets. Pray the novelty of vacuuming doesn't soon wear off. I could get used to a boy who likes to clean!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
so sad. . .so sweet
I know many have already posted about Cora's Playground dedication ~ the overwhelming, heavy sadness and grief that weighs on our hearts and minds as we think about why this precious playground exists coupled with the tender hope and trust in the Lord as we are grateful to all those who worked tirelessly to make Cora's Playground a reality. I just wanted to remember this evening which reaffirmed that Cora's life and legacy are living on for those little people who get to play on Cora's Playground.
Caden has been begging for a week or so to play on Cora's Playground. Tonight I told him we could go early to Cubbies and play a bit before Awana started. He loves the playground, but I want him to know more and understand why he gets this really great equipment to play on at church. Here's our talk as he played tonight:
ME: Whose playground is this?
CADEN: Cora's
ME: Why does Cora have a special playground?
CADEN: She died and we want to 'member her.
ME: Was Cora big or little?
CADEN: Little like Jensen (our nephew who is 9 months old)
ME: Where is Cora now?
CADEN: In Heaven with God.
I left our conversation at that for tonight and praised and marveled that in some small way he understands that Cora's life has deep meaning for those in our community and church (and the world).
As he continued to play awhile, thrilled that I'd given him some bonus time on Cora's Playground, he constantly squealed, This is best playground! I love to play here! This is so cool! (his highest compliment).
I can't imagine what Jess and Joel and their families have endured in the past few months. I know they'd give anything to have their sweet Cora back in their arms, but I know too my experience with Caden tonight touches on the lasting meaning of Cora's Playground. I hope that in the years to come as Caden gets too big for the actual equipment, he grows in his understanding of the value of Cora's life and legacy in bringing people to know God more deeply.
Caden has been begging for a week or so to play on Cora's Playground. Tonight I told him we could go early to Cubbies and play a bit before Awana started. He loves the playground, but I want him to know more and understand why he gets this really great equipment to play on at church. Here's our talk as he played tonight:
ME: Whose playground is this?
CADEN: Cora's
ME: Why does Cora have a special playground?
CADEN: She died and we want to 'member her.
ME: Was Cora big or little?
CADEN: Little like Jensen (our nephew who is 9 months old)
ME: Where is Cora now?
CADEN: In Heaven with God.
I left our conversation at that for tonight and praised and marveled that in some small way he understands that Cora's life has deep meaning for those in our community and church (and the world).
As he continued to play awhile, thrilled that I'd given him some bonus time on Cora's Playground, he constantly squealed, This is best playground! I love to play here! This is so cool! (his highest compliment).
I can't imagine what Jess and Joel and their families have endured in the past few months. I know they'd give anything to have their sweet Cora back in their arms, but I know too my experience with Caden tonight touches on the lasting meaning of Cora's Playground. I hope that in the years to come as Caden gets too big for the actual equipment, he grows in his understanding of the value of Cora's life and legacy in bringing people to know God more deeply.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
hiatus . . . no more
I've been gone, but hopefully not forgotten. The summer (which I thought was busy) has given way to full blown, crazy busy autumn. We're loving the great weather and enjoying trying to keep everything we've got going, well going. School is very busy for me right now with lots of projects, mentoring a first year teacher, and working on a few district level projects. Doug is busy working and keeping up with home repairs, golf, and of course Sooner football. Caden is in pre-K and talking constantly about anything and everything. He is in Cubbies (Awana) this year and doing youth league bowling on Saturday mornings. He's eager to be his beloved Sam Bradford for Halloween and looking forward to his 5th birthday in November. So our blogging hiatus is now officially over. And though the pictures below are a couple of months old and Caden has since lost his mohawk (his choice for those of you thinking I forced the issue); they are too cute not to share. Thanks to Megan for taking them back in early August!

Thursday, July 30, 2009
new do
I am NOT normally fond of what I like to refer to as extreme hairstyles, but Caden asked for a mohawk (and secretly I've thought it might be cute on a little boy, but certainly not so on a rebellious teenager), so Doug and I decided to let him try it once at four in hopes that this will tame his future fourteen year old self. Here he is after his shower last night without the hair spiked up. I'm a teeny bit shocked every time I see it, but I do think it's kinda cute especially when it's "done".
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
playing in the rain
This afternoon Caden and I did something I've ALWAYS wanted to do, but never done . . .we played in the rain. Caden was reluctant at first and gave every excuse: He was cold. Our feet would get dirty (he likes to be clean). Daddy might run over us (we were in the street . . . the quiet, very dead end street with no intention of staying out long enough for Daddy or anyone else to run over us). I finally convinced him. We splashed and played barefoot in the rain and puddles. It was cold, but so much fun! So worth us both getting that experience (especially for free!)! Here's the aftermath.
dripping wet on the porch
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
oh joy! oh joy!
We've got a big boy! Caden is finishing up his first independent shower right now! I couldn't be more thrilled! I tried last night to get him to take a shower, but all I got for my efforts was tears, hysterics, and protests!! Tonight, Doug tried and we now have clean boy who just this second as I write this, shouted, "I want to do that next time!" Then he came running in here and PROUDLY announced, " Mommy, I tooked a shower all by myself!!" Here's the proof of the pride he clearly feels about accomplishing this.
molars, canines, bicuspids, oh my!
Now what tooth fairy, dentist, mom, grandma wouldn't love a smile this cute?!? :) Caden got these funny teeth as a joke in his Christmas stocking last year (Daddy picked them out) and just rediscovered them. He thinks they are sooo hilarious, but he's a boy and he's four, so we must forgive his humor. And if you haven't smiled yet today, hopefully now you can! :)
can you say overbite? with the teeth no he can't!
Monday, July 20, 2009
3 little people in the tub! Saturday we watched Tegan and Jensen (our niece and nephew). They had a good time playing in the bathtub all together, a rare treat for only-child Caden. Doug and I felt especially at bath time it was not always fun to be outnumbered! But we did manage to get 3 kids clean and jammied and in bed at a decent hour. We also managed to get all 3 dressed, fed, and to church on time Sunday morning. I know for some of you this is a normal occurrence, but we were impressed with ourselves.
lined up from youngest to oldest
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
On this day, nine years ago, Doug and I said I do for better or worse. We've seen a lot of both, but we've endured together. Happy Anniversary Doug! I love you! Here are the top 9 reasons why:
1) you are such a good daddy to Caden
2) you care so much about our family
3) you can make me laugh at anything
4) you are so calm, a nice balance to my not always so calm self
5) you work hard at everything you do
6) you're always proud of everything Caden and I accomplish
7) you're an awesome cook!
8) you support me in the things I want to do or try
9) you take care of all the things I can't handle
So today on our anniversary I want you to know that you've been a part of many of the most significant moments in my life, good and bad, but what matters most to me today is not those moments, but that I got to share them with you. I look forward to all life has to offer us in our next year together. It's now official . . . we've known each other for over 1/3 our our lives. It won't be long before that creeps up to half. Can't wait!! :)
my favorite big guy with our favorite little guy
Friday, June 12, 2009
Yesterday morning, my friends, Melissa, Christie, and I took our 4 kiddos: Jeb, Maggie, Brock, and Caden to Tanganyika Wild Life Park in Goddard. Inc ase you're wondering Tanganyika is the longest lake in the world located in central Africa. After paying the slightly pricey admission ($12 for adults; $8 for kids 3+, plus tax), we hoped it was worth the drive and the money. We discovered in just a few minutes that it was well worth every mile and penny! Tanganyika has some interactive exhibits, where you are allowed to feed and/or pet the animals. AMAZING is the only word! God created some beautiful creatures! Some of the interactive exhibits include (as you'll see in the pictures below): feeding/petting lemurs; petting kangaroos, feeding lorakeets, feeding/petting tortoises and rabbits. We took a picnic lunch and had a wonderful visit. Tanganyika is beautifully landscaped, clean, not too large, and at least yesterday wasn't crowded at all. I highly recommend this for families with children 3+. A wonderful experience on a beautiful Kansas day with some of our really good friends, who can beat that!
ring-tailed lemur; wow! can they jump!
African penguins; they hung in this pack all day
up close with a kangaroo with a joey in its pouch
baby joey peeking out
joey looks like it will fall out
petting a kangaroo; amazingly soft fur
the group petting a kangaroo
this bunny was literally on my feet
feeding the rabbits lettuce
white tigers; gorgeous and NOT interactive, thank goodness
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